Other Resources
Religious education is taking a major hit during this pandemic. Most of our churches are struggling right now just to provide worship and pastoral care. Sunday School classes are canceled; VBS is canceled; and youth and adult mission trips feel like a thing of the distant past. We must be the Church creatively during this time. Worship is an essential part of being the Church, but we should also seek out and create new ways to teach our faith to our children.
If you know of religious education resources that should be added to this list, especially free resources, please submit them to campcarew@gmail.com.
Faith Formation
Theocademy is here to help by developing faith formation materials for Presbyterians through high quality video series and
study guides. Here are some of the video classes available online.
- Lessons for New Members: To be Presbyterian is to join a way of life informed by a particular rhythm: God calls us in grace and love; we respond in gratitude.
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Introduction to the New Testament
- Love An Other: A five part series exploring the sociological practice of "othering," and the Christian’s responsibility to eradicate it.
- Strange Book of Books: An eleven part series exploring how the Bible came to be the book we know to day, and what we may not really know about it.
The Spirituality Project: A series of lessons for teens
- Lifetree Kids YouTube Channel
- Melinda Caroll Music YouTube Channel
- Easy Worship Resources YouTube Channel
- Pastor Loran YouTube Channel
- Listener Kids YouTube Channel
- Camp Hope Ministries YouTube Channel
- Bible Time YouTube Channel
- Article: How Animals Use Smells Special thanks to Allison Mendelson for recommending this page.
- The Saint Louis Zoo: Virtual Conservation Learning
- Audubon: Guide to North American Birds
- The Cincinnati Zoo: Cincinnati, Ohio
- Atlanta Zoo, Panda Cam: Atlanta, Georgia
- Georgia Aquarium, Beluga Whale Cam: Atlanta, Georgia
- Houston Zoo, Webcams: Houston, Texas
- Shedd Aquarium: Chicago, Illinois
- San Diego Zoo: San Diego, California
- Monterey Bay Aquarium: Monterey, California
- National Aquarium: Baltimore, Maryland
- Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History: Washington, D.C.
- The Vatican Museum: Rome, Italy
- British Museum: London, England
Famous Landmarks and National Parks of Wyoming
Special thanks to Amelia and her mother who asked their youth services librarian, Kelly Ackford, to recommend this great collection to us.

Camp Carew welcomes campers from all religious traditions.
Camp Carew is a drug- and alcohol-free environment.