For Congregations
Your support is vital to our Summer camping ministry. Donations from churches and individuals have built Camp Carew and ensures its continued mission. In addition to undesignated donations, Many congregations offer scholarships to ensure that all their young people have the opportunity to attend Camp Carew. If your church can't afford to provide scholarships, we have some money for scholarships in the Camp Carew budget. Let's never let any family's lack of money keep a child from attending Camp Carew.
Donations by check may be mailed to:
Kemmerer Village's Camp Carew
941 N 2500 East Road
Assumption, IL 62510
You may donate online now by clicking below.
Camp Songs Worship Suggestions Camp Carew History Summer Staff Recruitment Flyer
Camp Carew welcomes campers from all religious traditions.
Camp Carew is a drug- and alcohol-free environment.
Camp Carew complies with the American Camp Association and the CDC guidelines as they pertain to Camp Carew.