Registration Button Three boys on horseback.
Horseback riding at Camp Carew.
Picnic at the beach at Camp Carew.
Picnic at the beach at Camp Carew.
The fire pit in the Rev. David McNabb Worship Center.
The fire pit in the Rev. David McNabb Worship Center.
Singing Grace before a Meal at Camp Carew.

Camp Songs

Johnny Appleseed Grace (Prayer before a Meal)

Our God Is an Awesome God

Be Present at Our Table, Lord (Prayer before a Meal)

A Place in the Choir

Addams Family Grace (Prayer before a Meal)

Shine, Jesus, Shine

I've Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in My Heart!

Superman Grace (Prayer before a Meal)

Jesus Loves Me (American Sign Language)

Amazing Grace (American Sign Language)

Praise Ye The Lord, Hallelujah

Batman Grace (Prayer before a Meal)

Edelweiss Grace (Prayer before a Meal)

Pharoah, Pharoah

I've Got Peace Like River


The Camp Carew logo.

Camp Carew welcomes campers from all religious traditions.
Camp Carew is a drug- and alcohol-free environment.
Camp Carew complies with the American Camp Association and the CDC guidelines as they pertain to Camp Carew.

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