Horseback riding at Camp Carew.

Picnic at the beach at Camp Carew.

The fire pit in the Rev. David McNabb Worship Center.

Camp Songs
Johnny Appleseed Grace (Prayer before a Meal)
Our God Is an Awesome God
Be Present at Our Table, Lord (Prayer before a Meal)
A Place in the Choir
Addams Family Grace (Prayer before a Meal)
Shine, Jesus, Shine
I've Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in My Heart!
Superman Grace (Prayer before a Meal)
Jesus Loves Me (American Sign Language)
Amazing Grace (American Sign Language)
Praise Ye The Lord, Hallelujah
Batman Grace (Prayer before a Meal)
Edelweiss Grace (Prayer before a Meal)
Pharoah, Pharoah
I've Got Peace Like River

Camp Carew welcomes campers from all religious traditions.
Camp Carew is a drug- and alcohol-free environment.
Camp Carew complies with the American Camp Association and the CDC guidelines as they pertain to Camp Carew.